Christmas in Salzburg was very special.
Christmas for us is a really big deal and this was going to be our first away from our families so decided to go all out for it. Unfortunately it wasn’t the white Christmas we were dreaming of but it was a magical couple of days.
We had booked our Christmas in Salzburg with a company called Panorama which was recommended to us by Salzburg Tourism and they were fantastic in helping us organise everything.
We arrived on the 23rd of December and had a lovely afternoon re-exploring Salzburg. It felt very different to last time we were here and all the alleyways and streets I loved exploring in September were filled with Christmas lights and decorations this time, which was gorgeous!
Most countries in Europe have their big celebration on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day, so on Christmas Eve we woke up and put on our matching Ugly Christmas Jumpers (because we were that couple that matches!!) and headed out to enjoy the Christmas Markets.
There were quite a few across Salzburg and we had fun exploring them and of course, enjoying glühweins!
That night we had a traditional 5 course Christmas Eve dinner and while it wasn’t the turkey and roast vegetables we are used to, it was still really nice. We had tuna, followed by soup, then codfish, a beef steak and then cherry sorbet and black forest cake. We were so full afterwards!
Christmas Day we headed to mass in the Cathedral, before having a more traditional (for us!) lunch! After this we headed to a concert in the Mozarteum, which was fantastic. The orchestra and choir were so talented!
On Boxing Day we were meant to have a sleigh ride up in the Alps, unfortunately it has been a very warm winter, so instead we had a horse and carriage ride. It was through the most beautiful countryside and was such an enjoyable day up in the mountains. A perfect way to spend our last day in Austria.
We had such a special time together celebrating our Christmas in Salzburg. While it wasn’t the white Christmas we were dreaming of, it was fun experiencing another culture’s Christmas and it was a lovely couple of days together that we will always remember.
We hope you had a very happy Christmas filled with lots of laughter, food and love, our time definitely was!
Our Instagram has photos from what we get up to each day.
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