

So a general idea of where we are planning to travel…so far:


Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Bruges, Belgium

Ghent, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium


London, England

Edinburgh, Scotland

Fort William, Scotland


Fort William, Scotland

West Highland Way, Scotland


– West Highland Way, Scotland



Czech Republic


Turkey Sail, Turkey

Fethiye, Turkey

– Cappadocia, Turkey

Istanbul, Turkey


– Germany

Then who knows! Our travel time in September and after October is still very much unplanned, so who actually knows where we will end up! But this is our rough plan so far!

We were lucky enough to be offered an exchange with a hostel for our time in Scotland. We basically get free board, breakfast, access to a laundry, kitchen and free wi-fi in exchange for a couple of hours work. We are pretty happy with this, as it means we get to explore a lot of Scotland, and really get to know the local area, with an added bonus of saving a lot of money as well!

We also decided to do some tours with Busabout to experience a different kind of travel to what we normally do.

– West Highland Way is a adventure trip which includes days of hiking, mountain biking, canoeing and camping. Say some prayers there’s not too much rain for us that week but it is Scotland after all, so surely they have alternative plans – if not we will just get very wet!

– Turkey Sail sails around the South West coast of Turkey.

– Turkey Cappadocia takes us along the southern coast up through central Turkey to Istanbul. Little bit excited about our accommodation – we get to stay in a treehouse and caves!!

We will keep you updated as we make any decisions or changes to our travel plans, but for now – off to see the world!

Written by twodrifters
Hi there, we're Scott and Eilis, an Australian couple. We have been together for over 10 years and got engaged 2 days before we started our adventure of exploring Europe on a one-way ticket. We love adventures and have been lucky enough to have had plenty of them and now are endlessly dreaming of the next ones. We hope you enjoy our photos and stories - there's such a lot of world to see! Feel free to contact us at: